
Often times I hear people talking about God and prosperity.  Which is fine, but unfortunately there seems to be a rut happening.  Sadly, the Jabez craze from a couple years back got a lot of people, myself included, into the whole "bless ME indeed" cycle.  What I DON'T hear often enough is people asking that God might prosper another's heart, mind, or spirit.  So, if you haven't heard someone pray this over you for a long time, please accept this prayer I have for you, my brothers and sisters in Christ...
"Father God,
Bless my friends indeed!!
Grant them strength for their day, rest for their minds, refuge for their hearts, and peace for their spirits.
Pour upon them your gifts.  Your love, Your joy.  Your goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, kindness, patience, and peace.
Thank you God for your provision for my friends.
Bless them indeed!
In the name above all names, then name of Jesus Christ,

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